
Podiatry & physical therapies

Contact details: Bruce H Mead 

 of perfectsteps

0417242138 (send SMS)

Bruce H Mead

Fungal nails


Pain issues

Structural issues

Custom Orthotics


Remedial & sports massage

MEDICARE care plans
General treatment & fungal conditions
foot massage
Foot & leg massage with every treatment
diabetic dop
Diabteic/ doppler assessment
Laser nail treatments
Hot laser (this is a more powerful laser for treatment) & other forms of electrotherapy
Shockwave therapy for heel pain
Custom orthotics- inhouse not lab manufactured
Nail surgery- permanent, partal & full nail removal
Professional level thermal imaging with reports
There are many myths that are perpetuated concerning disease and treatment.


Musculoskeletal correction.


The fundamentals of treatment are often not addressed such as balance and weight distribution in the body. 

For example, in addressing chronic back pain which so many have, why are the feet not assessed and appropriately balanced, to begin with? Treatment is worthless without starting on a good foundation. And yet how many times have I seen people who are constantly having treatment for their back perhaps every couple of weeks and foot structural issues have not been addressed. 

If a person is not balanced then what’s the point of the treatment as this allows uneven weight distribution and strains ligaments and tendons. Balance is also necessary between the two-opposing side of the back when applying physical therapy. This same principle applies to every area of the body whether feet, ankles, or knees. We can help to address these issues that providing a good foundation for good structure and self-healing.


The Body is more than mechanical & must be addressed in multiple ways. Biomechanics may be a starting point depending upon the physical structure but this is not always so.


The body is not just biomechanical but is to a large degree about blood flow and blood quality which determines your self-healing potential. Blood flow and self-healing often determine biomechanics.  Self-healing is less restricted by age than dietary and lifestyle habits. Using the illustration of the back again many of the problems of the back are about blood flow issues to the tiny vessels of the spine allowing structural damage.


 Understanding the definition of disease gives us control of our treatment choices. 


If a person understands the definition of the disease, they can be their own authority and should be their own authority to choose the right path for treatment and be pain-free. The premise for health almost everyone can acknowledge is that the microbiome (microbes & its virome) changes according to the conditions in which they find themselves to support life and conception or cause disease, and most important for health and body defenses is the gut microbiome. You can apply this definition of disease when considering any number of treatment options whether it’s diabetes or an infectious disease -all you have to do is think it through. How does this treatment or drug affect the gut microbiome and does it promote internal hygiene? You have the answer.


The keys to self-healing for a healthy microbiome are given on this site. A basic principle being promoted post -covid is; hygiene outside the body but not internal hygiene which determines the gut flora and its microbiome or the immune response and defense of the body.  We are made of the environmental factors around us and renewed and cleansed by these.


 Pain issues.


Pain is the body’s signal to help us and should be addressed by directing blood to that area of the body for self-healing and there are right and wrong ways to do this. If pain which is the result of inflammation is treated in the wrong way or not treated at all such as stubbing the toe on falling on the knee or whatever else there be, with the pain that results arthritis will often follow because it wasn’t taken care of properly. Arthritic problems are often a result of treatment ignorance (or substances such as caffeine that are known to promote arthritis) followed by a lack of guidance that should have been given by the health professional. Pain is the signal to now do something about it that will improve blood to that area that requires healing.


 The nails & skin of the feet are a reflection of our internal health.


Fungal nails are unsightly and problematic as are peripheral changes to the skin. Nail issues are usually all pointed to as fungal issues but these nail problems are more than just all fungal nails but are a result of internal health conditions often associated with medical conditions whether it be heart or venous or whatever else. These changes reflect the person’s health status and are one of the first warning signs of the need for internal hygiene. When we work on internal issues then the treatment by antifungals and laser will have their results but without attending to the primary things we end up with an ongoing problem.


Sometimes we can assist you in your self-healing process only to the point that one helps themselves. To say that I eat well as most do is usually a statement to dismiss the need to better address dietary issues which is part of the greater picture. Personally, I eat better than most people but there is always room for improvement particularly in the light of pain issues. And always remember and consider the effect of chemical changes that would be hindering progress with the interplay of certain medications.

We will treat & pamper on our gift card.

The works from the lower back to the toes and nails.

Inquire now

  • For chronic disease results, the only way is to think system! The body must be rebuilt to heal out of the environmental material that sustains life- such as minerals, water, and oxygen.
  • Chemicals change the form and location of the disease only, with long-term debilitating effects.
  • Progressive changes so that you are cleaning the body inside will have amazing results.
  • Clean airways, clean water, clean bloodstream, nutrition-rich. It does not matter what condition it is, whether it’s the flu or diabetes the same principles apply.

Believe in your God given self-healing abilities

I have 20 years’ experience in the podiatry field, including other areas of study such as massage, with focus on sports massage with its muscle-specific approach.  During this time I have also studied natural therapies and diabetic education. This has been a great opportunity to study the cause of many diseases & has led me to understand self-healing through a system approach that can be relied on. 

My personal interest in this area started when I was around 20 years old with my own personal lifestyle changes not because I was unwell but wanted to follow the best direction for my own life and help others. Today I am just as passionate about true healing and rational medicine, the principles of which are contained in this site and become increasingly important in a post-pandemic world. Kind regards

Bruce H Mead

Bruce H Mead

Image taken of myself left with right Dr Bernell E. Baldwin, PhD., @ Lifestyle Center and HospitalWildwoodGeorgia.  USA directory

Your doppler results
Blood flow & quality..the life of the flesh is in the blood
Diabetes & blood vessel disease & contributing factors
Oils arn't oils
Healing principals
Post-pandemic world
Fillet Oh Fish



Gut flora will have little effect in a dirty system. The system must be right to have the right microbes. To have microbes right we must have the right systematic approach. That approach is discussed and weaved throughout this website.


Like a car the body needs the right fuel, air filtered, the water right. The body works off natural laws and that determines it’s self-healing.





perfectsteps to a healthier you...

How to improve your God given self healing abilities.

Understanding the cycle of life

One of the first doctors to report on amazing self-healing arteries was Dr. Zane Kime reporting on his practical experience in healing. back in the 70s. 

Our eyes are actually closed 10 percent of the time we are awake. Blinking is to provide our brains with mental resting points as well as breaks from attention to what we are focusing on. For instance, when reading an article or book we tend to blink at the end or towards the end of sentences. Additionally, when talking with a friend, we tend to blink most frequently when our friends pause between sentences or statements. 

The thing we consider least but vital to health is stomach rest and times to clean out the digestive system. People with chronic illness are told to eat more often little meals which potentially makes the chronic condition even worse- the point here is the principle of rest and eating less often rather than more often.








Oils ain't oils

Oils in Fast foods
coronary artery disease
OIls are they worth the risk?

















One of the best documentaries on fish, if only to make informed choices on the fish your eating.

Um dos melhores documentários sobre peixes, pelo menos para fazer escolhas informadas sobre os peixes que você come.

When we consider what foods we are eating we are determining our gut flora. Some of these animals are natural scavengers such as prawns, bugs & muscles. Others which should be naturally good for us such as these beautiful salmon, however many are diseased through fish farming methods when kept in close quarters, by the feeds & the chemicals used. So farmed fish should be avoided & where a fish is caught is very important. We must also consider if it is a scavenger such as a shark or fake.  We change our gut flora by what we eat and the microbes determine our health. Cancers, tumors, and all inflammatory diseases are largely caused by foods that damage our natural healthy gut flora. 

Health changes (if not an emergency) should be a journey in which we step by step implement change rather than just jumping in at the deep end.

We miss the most obvious issues. For example, we are discovering that microbes working for our benefit or against us. Why then do we miss the point that we are consuming loads of microbes that potentially change the gut flora? or we have contaminated food chains- toxins in the food chain that is creating the lucrative cancer industry.

Quando consideramos quais alimentos comemos, estamos determinando nossa flora intestinal. Alguns desses animais são necrófagos naturais, como camarões, insetos e músculos. Outros que deveriam ser naturalmente bons para nós, como este lindo salmão, no entanto, muitos são doentes por meio de métodos de criação de peixes quando mantidos em quartos próximos, pelos alimentos e produtos químicos usados. Portanto, os peixes de viveiro devem ser evitados e onde um peixe é capturado é muito importante. Devemos também considerar se é um necrófago, como um tubarão ou uma farsa. Nós mudamos nossa flora intestinal pelo que comemos e os micróbios determinam nossa saúde. Cânceres, tumores e todas as doenças inflamatórias são em grande parte causados por alimentos que danificam nossa flora intestinal saudável e natural.














Caffeine & OA
Coca Cola's effect on diabetes

Three aspects of human development

  1. Physical development
  2. Moral integrity 
  3. Intellectual development are the keys to perfect steps…but it takes baby steps. One step at a time.


‘…..that they might be called trees of righteousness’










The imminent threat to people around the world is predicted rising food prices with food & water shortages. In countries such as Australia which is a very dry continent, we have not been following a wise strategy for agriculture in rich pastured areas but centralization implemented at council level, following the UN’s plan for sustainable development which will result in the world & this country’s poverty. Smaller amounts of land are being sold for higher prices which are not self-sustaining but following the UN’s sustainable living agenda. While no country in the world is safer than another under the UN global agender of ‘sustainable living’ let it be said that when possible move away from the cities, into the country, where one can raise their own provisions, for in the future the problem of predicted wars, famines & rising food prices and buying & selling will be a very serious one. There will be a time in the near future when it will be impossible to move out of the cities because of the turmoil & strife.

Who is it for?

This is for those who I engage with & need answers for their medical needs. But it is also for absolutely anyone who loves life & wants to get well or naturally maintain good health or improve their self-healing abilities.

This image though not my own is a favorite location Palm Beach, Gold Coast, QLD. This is where I holidayed since a kid with its rainforest pictured in the background right on the beach & the nature walk used by many to see the panoramic views & exercise. And everywhere people are kite surfing. Outside of this little oasis is a building metropolis.


Health Principals

Keys to self-healing

I have worked in the health industry for over 20 years, following rational medicine with its evidence-based results as the basis for practice which I share on this website for you. Background image the cane fields of Tweed Heads NSW

Practical food Preparation

Demonstrations & info

We are including foods with exceptional properties for healing as we develop this site. Image from farm/ vegan restaurant, Trilhas do Aracari, Nova Friburgo, Rio De Janeiro. An exceptional place. 



Saving the planet starts with self

I have followed the environmental movement for a long time & practiced my own lifestyle changes for over 30 years as included in this site. The movement however currently unfolding in the world has many benefits if rightly applied & also tremendous pitfalls. Image from  Museum of Tomorrow- Rio De Janeiro city.


 The body like a car needs the right fuel, oils, maintenance, running & functions off natural laws as does everything in nature. But it not just about exercise though important in itself.

Image of course icon for Sydney Australia.

The best of food

There is a beautiful display of food with its many wonderful colours & textures but its more than just eating good food though important in itself. 

Image from inside the whole food restaurant (which is a large food chain, USA.

Learn about the best way to gain health

Join us in our journey for optimum life & the best thing about it is its free

Working locations

66-68 Belgrave St Kempsey NSW 2440

Contact: Bruce H Mead

Phone: 0265245531
Text only : 0417242138

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